Saturday, March 9, 2013

Party all Day! Sleep all Night!

For those of you concerned that no one remembered poor Gregory on his birthday: I woke up this morning and the party was ON!


 Everybody was feelin' it!

Except Heather.

So what did we do to get this party pumped? I think you know the answer to that based on yesterday's post.

You want to see what 800 calories looks like from 1.2 inches away? I thought so. Take a look:

We knew we would need those calories to sustain ourselves while we spent the rest of the day partying. 

 MMMMM.... So tasty.

The after party was throwing rocks in the creek.

999 Years in the future...

Things will be simpler.

Friday, March 8, 2013

It's my birfdae. Also... CONTEST ANSWERS.

Today is my birfdae. I am 28 years old. I ate bbq for lunch and dinner. I also worked until 6pm and had to do more work at 9pm. The only birthday present I got to open was this:

Thanks Mom!

But then we had a crazy party. Things almost got out of hand. Here is a picture of Heather jumping out from behind a couch to yell surprise while all my friends and family sang "For he's a jolly good fellow" and shared in the commemoration of my 28th year of life.
It was a surprise party!

Now here are the answers to the contest! Only 2 people answered, so they both win. But I think Pattie actually got more right. Maurine got no credit for her comment.

1. "In" from "In God We Trust". One Dollar Bill.
2. Decorative border from a five dollar bill.
3. Also a five dollar bill.
4. A Dime.
5. Thomas Jefferson on a recent mint buffalo nickle.
6. Mississippi.

SO... Pattie got 2 answers correct. Allen got 1 answer correct (Andrew Jackson isn't on any coins). What's your prize?... Let's just say I hope you like hot cakes.

Monday, March 4, 2013

More Macro

No contest, just pretty pictures of guns and money.

Wow Greg, those are some incredible photos. How did you do it?

Answer: Used 200mm Minolta Prime lens and a Minolta Bellows III. Total cost of setup was just south of $60.