Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Google Nexus 4 $30/Month

This is awesome. 
Read these 2 articles:

Once you have read those two articles, and understand that you can have the best smartphone yet created, and only pay $30/month to operate this smart phone on a reputable carrier, proceed to purchase a contract-free Nexus 4 here:

You will also need a T-mobile Micro-Sim card activation kit which can be purchased for 99 cents (with free shipping) here:


This same scheme could conceivably be carried out with any device that can run on sim cards, but keep in mind that T-Mobile "4g" is not "LTE" but is "HSPA+" so you could get an IPhone 4S to work on it, the Iphone 5 would work too, but the LTE would be useless until T-Mobile got their LTE Network up, which isn't going to happen for another year. 

Keep in mind though, google devices are supported for a LONG time. Having the latest version is a big deal with android devices. The latest version is an enormous leap forward compared to my current phone. (I run the latest android version on my tablet). Yes you do have to pay $300 for the phone, but it is without contract, which means you aren't trapped for 2 years. So the phone pays for itself after a few months and you can change carriers plans or whatever whenever you feel like it.

If you do go over 100 minutes talk it is 10 cents/minute. I use an average of right around 100 minutes each month right now, most of you probably use somewhat more, but even if you double it you're still only paying $40/month. No fees, only sales tax.

Anyway, I don't usually go on tirades like this but I am sick of paying $150/month for my cell phone. I ordered one as soon as they came back in stock and I am calling sprint tomorrow to tell them to stick their early termination fee where the sun don't shine. 

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