Monday, February 25, 2013

"Macro"-economics Contest!

I like looking at things very close up, and I've spent all night playing with my new toy:
As you can see it's pretty much a ghetto monstrosity but under the classy homeless person facade is a 200mm Minolta MD Rokkor-X f/4 telephoto lens (that came today in the mail) coupled to a backwards Minolta MD 50mm f/1.7 via a section of Pringles can and two plastic zip ties. The result is some awesome macro capabilities that I've attempted to take advantage of with my limited experience. Naturally one of the most interesting things to look at is money, so I'm going to have a series of contests where the first person to guess the answer to questions about the close up details of money gets a prize. Only your first guess counts. So let's start:

Question 1:
This is easy. Name the bill featured in the photograph:

Question 2:
In my opinion this is slightly more difficult: Which of our nation's currency notes is featured in the photograph?

Question 3:
Same question as above.

Question 4:
From what coin does this picture originate?

Question 5:
Whose nose is this?

Finally, here's a preview of the next challenge: Name the state from which this quarter originates. (This one is painfully easy).

What's the prize? It might involve birthday cake. Or it might not. Answers in the comments section please!


  1. 1. One dollar bill
    2-3. Twenty dollar bill
    4. Quarter
    5. Lincoln..although I am only guessing this cuz he is faced in the right direction.
    6. Mississippi
    I like your blog posts Greg!

  2. 1. $1
    2. $10
    3. same
    4. $.05
    5. Andrew Jackson

  3. Seriously greg, your contest is too hard. I don't have real money to look at any more!
